Introducing our 2023 Team LCRF runners who will be doing the TCS New York City Marathon on November 5! Read more below about this year’s amazing group of marathoners who are raising awareness and fundraising for lung cancer research.

Anthony previously completed a half marathon in 2022.
“I became aware through my work in the pharmaceutical industry of the important, underserved community that has proven it can develop life changing therapies with more attention, focus and resources. I also want to model healthy habits for my children by successfully completing my very first marathon.”
Favorite food while training: “Apples and peanut butter.”

Casey, a journalist, is proud she was able to get through her training runs during the hot NYC summer!
“My dad was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. He fortunately has qualified for a new targeted therapy that has received really great results in trials! My family is so grateful to organizations like LCRF that make these new treatments possible. I’m so excited to be running with the team this year!”
Favorite food while training: “The energy chews I use for long runs are basically candy, I have to stop myself from eating them all the time!”

Hannah, a journalist for 10 Tampa Bay Nightside, is proud of every long training run she’s done in preparation for this marathon.
“My charismatic and resilient aunt, Reina Honts, credits early screening and detection with catching her lung cancer in 2018. Five years later, she is now cancer-free thanks to medical advancements made possible through the support of groups like the Lung Cancer Research Foundation. I’m running for her and the millions of other people touched by this disease.”
Favorite food while training: “My long run ritual is chicken parm and spaghetti the night before!”

Jared is an attorney who earlier this year completed the Brooklyn Half Marathon in Coney Island.
“My mother Elaine was only 48 years old when lung cancer took her life in 2007. She was loving, generous, and radiated positivity, even during difficult times. My mom was an avid runner and if she were alive today, I have no doubt she would be running by my side (or far ahead of me).”
Best running tip: “Keep the music pumping and always have fun.”

John is a financial advisor and finished a half marathon just last month.
“My wife Reina had lung cancer about 5 years ago. Thankfully, she has been cancer free since her original surgery. Reina’s mom also died from lung cancer. So, helping to cure lung cancer through research is important for our family.”
What he does on rest days: “I try to squeeze in golf if I have free time and I’m not running.”

Joshua is a 2nd grade teaching assistant, and was proud to have earned 1st place in his age group at age 12 in his mom’s memorial 5K race.
“Being a part of Team LCRF is very important to me as it is something I envisioned myself being a part of since I was a kid. I am running in memory of my mom, Lynn Adams, who passed away from lung cancer when I was only 9 years old. Growing up whenever I would think about giving back to charity, I always thought of lung cancer first. I am thrilled to finally be putting my money where my mouth is. Aside from my goal of raising $4,000, I also have a competitive goal of trying to finish the marathon in under 4 hours!”
What’s on his running playlist: “The song “Running up that Hill” from Stranger Things gets me going whenever I run.”

Julie, a nurse practitioner, completed her first marathon last October.
“Lung cancer took Babci from our family in September 2022. Despite her endless courage to continue treatment, her will to fight through her worst days, and her never ending hopefulness to hear the words “cancer-free”, she was unable to defeat her illness. Being a nurse, I was able to advocate for her and help navigate a difficult road filled with unfamiliarities of treatment plans, medication side effects, test results, as well as overwhelming emotions and uncertainties. I’m thankful I was able to be there for her, however miniscule my support may have been in comparison to all that she had done for me in the 27 years of my life.”
Favorite food while training: “Peanut butter!”

Mike is a self employed real estate investor.
“I will be running in the 2023 New York City Marathon in memory of my sister Jen who was diagnosed with Metastatic EGFR-sensitizing non-small lung adenocarcinoma, stage 4 in 2017 and unfortunately lost her battle in February 2021 at the age of 47. Jen was trying to make a difference in the world for people who suffer from this. She also was trying to stop the stigma of it being a ‘smokers disease’ and raise awareness about how anyone can get lung cancer.”
Proudest running accomplishment: “my first marathon, which happened to be NYC.”
Favorite food while training: “Steak and a baked potato.”

Naomi, an attorney, feels good about finding the time to prioritize herself and her runs, “and also successfully crossing four lanes of highway traffic after accidentally getting lost near the GW bridge on my first NYC long run!”
“I am running in honor of my grandmother. Team LCRF has been particularly meaningful to me because of their emphasis on research and sharing critical information with lung cancer patients and loved ones. Knowledge is power!”
What’s on her running playlist: “Higher Love” (Whitney Houston & Kygo). This may be on my running playlist, but it also is on every single other playlist I have.”

Ryan works in commercial real estate investments, and is proud to have the courage to sign up for this race without having any previous running accomplishments.
“I’m thrilled to be running the 2023 New York City Marathon this November in memory of my grandparents, John and Patricia Burns, who both passed away from Lung Cancer in 1999 and 2010. Since then, supporting causes like lung cancer research and hospice care have held positions close to my heart. I’m thrilled I get to run in their honor.”
Favorite running tip: “Getting out there early. There’s something about running the streets of New York when it’s quiet and the sun is rising that gets my blood pumping. Plus, it sets your day up for success, knowing that if you crushed a 10-mile run at 5:30 in the morning, you can do whatever else you put your mind to for the day.”

Shannon is a dental hygienist and decided to sign up for her first marathon after completing the Brooklyn Half Marathon last spring.
“I am running in memory of my father, Dan Moore, who passed away at age 54 due to Lung Cancer as a nonsmoker. He was my #1 fan and I know he will give me the strength that I need to cross the finish line come race day.”
Favorite food while training: “Chipotle and a Diet Coke after a long run is my favorite!”

Sophie works in operations for Fair Harbor Clothing and made a personal record in her half marathon time during training!
“Since running the Brooklyn Half Marathon in April 2023, I have found such joy in running. I am energized to combine that joy with the incredible work the LCRF is doing in both the medical field, and with community support to those whose lives have been impacted by lung cancer. A family member of mine was diagnosed with lung cancer around the time of the of the 2022 NYC Marathon, and I immediately knew I wanted to run in 2023 with Team LCRF.”
What’s on her running playlist: “Podcasts during training have been my go to! Smartless and Armchair Expert have been two of my favorites. They make me laugh, keep my pace slow, and make the time go by fast.”

Todd is a financial advisory in New York.
“I’m honored to support a cause that’s very important to me and my family. My mom died at 53 from lung cancer and my sister, Reina, is a lung cancer survivor. This year’s marathon is a family affair! I will be running along with my brother-in-law, John, and my niece, Hannah.”

Will is a law student and previously has run 12 miles. He is running with his mom, Susan, who is a private banker.
“I have participated in fundraisers for LCRF in the past. Last year, a close family friend passed away from lung cancer. In his memory, his son and I hiked 500 miles in the French Pyrenees mountains.”
Training partner: “I am running with my friend, Sam, who is also running with her mom!”
LCRF is proud of this fantastic team!
Cheer them on as they prepare for the TCS NYC Marathon!
A special thank you to CBRE for sponsoring
Team LCRF for the 2023 TCS NYC marathon.